AILM2024 is part of CNRS Ecole Thématique Program

CNRS will cover Registration, catering, housing and travel fees for all CNRS employees

AILM2024 has been selected by CNRS to be part of the CNRS "Ecole Thématique" program. Thanks to this support from CNRS, the  AILM2024 organizers will cover registration fees, catering and accommodation fees for all CNRS employees (permanents & CDD). The travel costs will be covered by your  local CNRS délégation. We encourage CNRS employees to apply ASAP to reserve place for workshop or Practical School and submit abstract.


Please provide your CNRS employees number when you register online in order to benefit from this CNRS fellowship.

Last News:

May 17 : Abstracts can now be downloaded along with general information and the program.

General Information, Program and Abstracts
Document Adobe Acrobat 6.4 MB